EXCLUSIVE A triple salute to the U.S.A. Celebrate your patriotic pride with a set of three hand-crafted arrangements, each made with the freshest white daisies and red mini carnations. Built for a tabletop or mantel by our expert florists inside a cobalt blue glass pyramid vase and available at a terrific value, these truly original bouquets are ideal for celebrating everything from Birthdays to backyard BBQs.
Trio of hand-crafted arrangements feature red mini carnations, white daisy poms and variegated pittosporum
Each bouquet is artistically designed in a chic blue glass vase; vases measure 5"H
Three gifts in one present a fabulous value as they help brighten up multiple spots in the décor
Arrangements measure approximately 8.5"H x 5"L each
Our florists select the freshest flowers available so floral colors and varieties may vary
Add on a perfectly patriotic surprise:
A set of three mini American flags on picks, available for just an additional $5
The ideal finishing touch to decorating for Americana-inspired parties
Flags measure 4"L each